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Start With a Discovery Call

We'll dig into your business and get some work done right away. 

No obligations, no strings attached.

Business education

1-on-1 Coaching

The fast track to lasting results in your business, and the only coaching program that comes with a 17-Week Guarantee

  • Weekly or bi-weekly private business coaching session

  • Goal alignment session with partner/spouse

  • GrowthCLUB Membership

  • 2 DISC assessments 

Group Coaching

Work with a coach and one other business owner. This is a great way to make progress quickly and learn from another business owner as well. 

  • 3 semi-private business coaching sessions/month

  • Optional goal alignment with partner/spouse

  • GrowthCLUB Membership

  • 1 DISC assessment

Business education

Business Planning

GrowthCLUB is a once-per-quarter workshop that makes creating tactical plans for your business both educational and fun. 

  • Start each quarter with focus and momentum

  • Get more done in 90 days than most businesses do in a year!

How Much is Business Coaching Going to Cost?

This is one of the first questions a business owner will ask when considering enrolling in a business coaching program. Price anxiety can even scare people away from asking about coaching!  It's a question I get from nearly everyone I meet with. 


So I get it! Cost matters.  It’s not the only consideration, but it is important.  Your investment level often dictates the type of program you enroll in, how comfortable or nervous you are, and the results you’re going to get from coaching.  So when you decide to go ahead with coaching, we'll develop a coaching budget that you're comfortable with.  One that also lets you grow your business, and yourself as a leader.  That will allow you to create the result you want.  That budget will probably feel like a bit of a stretch at first, and that’s ok.


My programs are designed so that there's an option for every size of business, with programs ranging from under $850/year to about $3000/month. If you ever want to change your program, you can do so at any time. 

Coaching shouldn't cost your business money. 

I focus on getting a few quick wins right away so the cost of your program going forward is covered by the work we've already done together. 


Small businesses with big time goals will get the best ROI from my semi-private program. You'll get focused, dedicated time for your business and build your network at the same time. 

If you've got big goals for this year and you're looking for the fastest results, you're probably looking for one-to-one coaching. Private coaching means that you can pull in your team at any time, and every session will be 100% confidential, and 100% focused on helping you build your business by improving the value and position of your company in the marketplace.


Narrowing down the cost of coaching starts with choosing the program or product that works best for you. So let's get started with a complimentary session. It will give us a chance to discover whether we're a good fit, and we'll figure out which program is best suited to your unique situation, goals, budget, and objectives. No obligations, no strings attached..... Let's get to work.  

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